Shipping group CMA CGM is ready to contribute to any windfall tax on major companies that the new French government may adopt ...
Cash-rich CMA CGM, the world’s third-biggest shipping group, has been expanding into new areas such as logistics and media, ...
The French shipping group agreed to buy a 48% stake in Brazilian terminal operator Santos Brasil Participacoes and plans to ...
By Andre Romani and Gus Trompiz SAO PAULO/PARIS (Reuters) -French shipping giant CMA CGM plans to acquire port terminal ...
SAO PAULO/PARIS (Reuters) -French shipping giant CMA CGM plans to launch a full takeover bid for port terminal operator ...
Santos is the largest terminal operator in Brazil. It owns three container terminals in Brazil as well as a vehicle and a ...
Brazil's Opportunity investment group reached an understanding with French giants CMA CGM for the sale of its stake in the ...
自 2024 年 9 月 15 日起,附加费适用于从东北亚、东南亚、中国、中国香港和中国澳门特别行政区运往北欧、斯堪的纳维亚半岛、波兰和波罗的海地区目的地的货物,直至另行通知。
Neither Gene Seroka nor George Goldman saw evidence that East Coast-bound vessels will be diverted after a possible Oct. 1 ...
美东港口罢工迫在眉睫,货柜海运涨潮蓄势再起!因应一旦罢工将增加营运成本,海运大咖达飞(CMA CGM)开出涨价第一枪,通知10月11日起进口美东与墨湾的货物收取「本地港口费」(LPC)1,500~3,000美元;赫伯罗特(HP ...
Con la compra del mayor operador portuario de Brasil, Santos Brasil, la naviera francesa CMA CGM aseguró apostar por un país "con un fuerte potencial", donde el volumen de las transacciones... Already ...
9月10日,中国船舶集团有限公司旗下江南造船(集团)有限责任公司为达飞海运集团复造的15000TEU双燃料动力集装箱船系列船最后一艘“CMA CGM LAGUNA”号命名交付。据了解,该系列船是江南造船为达飞海运建造的15000TEU双燃料动力集装箱船,共6艘。该批次船型总长366米,型宽51米,服务航速22节,选用GTT Mark ...