The group aims to assemble $30 billion of initial capital, with a future goal of raising $100 billion, including from debt ...
The drive to develop more powerful AI capabilities will require significant infrastructure investment to support it.
BlackRock is preparing to launch a more than $30bn artificial intelligence investment fund with technology giant Microsoft to ...
The Global AI Infrastructure Investment Partnership will seek to raise $30 billion to invest in data centers and ...
The partnership, called the Global AI Infrastructure Investment Partnership, will additionally build out energy ...
9月18日,贝莱德与微软计划成立超300亿美元人工智能投资基金,专注数据中心和能源项目建设。基金由贝莱德新部门Global Infrastructure Partners推出,MGX为普通合伙人,英伟达提供专业知识。此举显示华尔街对AI领域投资信心,助力解决AI产品电力和基础设施需求,推动产业可持续发展。
BlackRock and Microsoft are launching a $30 billion AI infrastructure fund, aiming to build data centers and energy projects.
Microsoft, BlackRock, and two investment firms formed a partnership to invest in artificial intelligence infrastructure ...
American competitiveness in AI while meeting the growing need for energy infrastructure to power economic growth NEW YORK, REDMOND, WA, AND ABU DHABI — September 17, 2024 – The drive to develop more ...
周一,Morgan Stanley将EnLink Midstream, LLC (NYSE:ENLC)股票评级从增持下调至中性,目标价为16.00美元。 此次调整是在ONEOK, Inc. (NYSE:OKE)宣布收购Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP)在ENLC的控股权益之后做出的。这笔交易预计将影响ENLC的未来价值,使其更接近于中性评级的股票。 OKE与G ...
纽约 - 全球投资管理公司BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE:BLK)今日宣布,预计将于2024年10月1日完成对Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP)的收购,但仍需获得监管批准并满足惯例成交条件。根据这一战略举措,BlackRock将与其直接全资子公司合并,合并后的实体将继续在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)以BLK股票代码交易。 根据特拉华州公司法第251( ...
Global Cloud Leader Collaborates with NVIDIA, XPENG, miHoYo, Atlas, Codium, UNESCO-ICHEI to Drive the Future of Mobility, ...