WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland will mobilise up to 23 billion zlotys ($6.01 billion), some of it from the European Union, to deal ...
Grateful Poles are heaping praise to honor their silent hero that just saved them: a floodwater reservoir that spared the ...
World number eight Hubert Hurkacz said on Tuesday he will donate 100 euros to Poland flood victims for every ace he hits ...
We spoke to Poland’s Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski and started by asking if he is worried that Joe Biden is possibly no ...
The flood peak is currently passing through the Lubin area in the western part of the country. Some flood victims are ...
Devastating floods in Poland have increased the probability of changes to the 2024 budget and decisions could be made by the ...
Hubert Hurkacz is one of Poland’s standout stars, right up there with Swiatek when it comes to putting Polish tennis on the ...
One person was killed and thousands were evacuated due to continuous rainfall in southern Poland, said Polish Prime Minister ...
Poland will ask the European Commission to adjust its recommendations for budget deficit cuts in the coming years due to ...
天降50亿美金,救场英特尔! 在高通将目光瞄准英特尔寻求并购之后,有私募机构站出来:等等你先别急,我来挽救一下。 一旦50亿美元(约合人民币352亿元)到账,没准就是这家芯片王者扭亏为盈的关键契机。
核电复兴,欧洲国家近来脚步不停。 波兰上周刚向欧盟委员会提交申请,寻求批准其首座核电站的融资计划。为了减少对煤炭的依赖,波兰已选择西屋电气,计划在波罗的海沿岸投资约400亿美元(约2880亿人民币)建造核电站。 捷克也已“牵手”韩国水电与核电公司共同建设至少两个新核电机组。 瑞典政府则希望在2025年投资1亿瑞典克朗,支持核电领域的试点和示范项目。瑞典政府表示,其需要核能来满足未来的电力需求,以及 ...
Soldiers and residents in southwestern Poland are laying sandbags near swollen rivers around the city of Wroclaw to protect ...