“这项基于不确定的未来风险的法案实际上是在施行严重的言论禁止,”TikTok和字节跳动的律师安德鲁·平克斯(Andrew Pincus)对法庭表示。 TikTok内容创作者代表杰弗里·费舍尔(Jeffrey ...
TikTok and ByteDance's lawyer Andrew Pincus centered much of his argument around free speech and First Amendment rights. He ...
The social media platform is threatened with a ban but remains wildly popular among users, including Kamala Harris and Donald ...
The U.S. government and TikTok will go head-to-head in federal court on Monday as oral arguments begin in a consequential ...
美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)今年4月签署了《保护美国人免受外国对手控制应用法案》(Protecting Americans Against Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications ...
近年来,短视频平台持续火热,其中TikTok无疑是一颗璀璨的明珠。但就在大家沉浸在欢声笑语中的时候,一个不和谐的音符悄然响起:TikTok可能在未来四个月内面临封禁的危险。这一消息一出,立马引发了网友们的热烈讨论。到底为什么会有这样的局面?背后又隐藏 ...
凭借TikTok上这股“AI拥抱视频”风潮, 一款名为“CloneAI”的AI视频产品近期在苹果应用商店Photo&Video免费榜的排名快速上升,从第117位最高飙升至第9位。
据FastMoss数据显示,TikTok美国小店 TilDreams 推出的 睡眠护颈枕头 在9月9日卖出 5725单 ,日销售额高达 11万美金 。这款产品于今年8月初上架,客单价为 19美元 ,近30天销量呈上升趋势,在9月9日达到高峰。
新兴购物方式。数据显示,自去年9月正式开放入驻至今,TikTok Shop美区内容场GMV总体飙升了557%,受益于内容场的卖家更是坦言频频迎来爆单。眼看下半年旺季将至,TikTok Shop率先打响黑五备战第一枪,上线多重福利助力卖家爆单。
In this photo illustration, the social media application logo, TikTok is displayed on the screen of ... [+] an iPhone on an ...
TikTok has a funny new dance trend, thanks to Donald Trump's debate remarks about Haitian immigrants eating pets. But the ...
As a college student getting my first credit card, here are my personal recommendations and why I think they are a good ...