反移民的德国极右翼另类选择党(AfD)9月1日在东部图林根邦(Thuringia)议会选举,取得具有里程碑意义的胜利,这对2025年面临全国大选的德国总理 ...
The AfD came in first in Thuringia and placed second in Saxony, right on the heels of the Christian Democrats (CDU). Germany’s media and ruling class predictably catastrophized the voting results.
他所属的AfD在崛起前一度是个边缘小党,今天却在德东图林根邦(Thuringia)囊括近33%选票,在邻近的萨克森邦(Saxony)则与老牌的基民党(CDU ...
反移民的德国极右翼选择党星期天(9月1日)在东部图林根州议会选举取得具有里程碑意义的胜利,这对2025年面临全国大选的德国总理朔尔茨来说是一次打击。 综合法新社和英国广播公司(BBC ...
The parliament in the eastern German state of Thuringia has chosen a member of the conservative CDU as its new speaker. The far-right AfD, which won the most seats, was blocked by all other ...
Lawmakers have elected a mainstream conservative as speaker of the state parliament in eastern Germany’s Thuringia region, putting aside a convention that the strongest party gets the job after ...
德国东部两州9月1日周日举行地方选举。极右翼另类选项党在图林根选举中获得胜利,并在萨克森州紧追保守派政党。另类选项党有望成为自第二次 ...
(法新社德国艾福特1日电) 德国东部2个邦今天举行议会选举。根据出口民调显示,极右派德国另类选择党以30.5%到33.5%得票率 ...
As victory loomed for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in Sunday's state parliamentary polls in the central German state of Thuringia, media workers found themselves barred from the ...
The AfD's highly controversial top candidate in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, hailed a "historic victory" Germany's anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) is celebrating a "historic success ...