Here we have Jesus instituting the Eucharist and the sacrament of holy orders, and in this context he definitively links the sacraments to the new covenant. We must ask what the relationship is ...
A. A Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace. Q. 575. Are these three things, namely: An outward or visible sign, the institution of that sign by Christ, and the giving of ...
These mysteries also speak to and provide ample space for meditation on the sacraments which Jesus left with His followers as signs of His life among us. 1. The baptism of Jesus, obviously, points to ...
The sacrament of reconciliation is a sacrament of healing. The word reconciliation means ‘to be at peace again’. Catholics believe that they must seek to obtain forgiveness in the hope that ...
A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace. It takes the form of a visible ceremony, but it has an inward benefit in the life of the worshipper. Through the sacraments, a Christian receives ...
哈尔滨宗座署理区宗座署理赵宏春神父,昨天(七月四日)下午被政府宗教官员「邀请赴宴」,随后不知所踪。 哈尔滨(亚洲新闻)哈尔滨宗座署理 ...
这是乐山事件后首宗非法祝圣。出席典礼的有1500多人。一些参与的主教们表示被迫及无奈参加。裴军民主教原本被要求前往汕头,最后与司铎们团结 ...
Thus, the Christocentric typology of the sacrament of marriage explains why a bishop or a presbyter blesses this sacred union with a special prayer. In his letter to Polycarp of Smyrna, Ignatius the ...
今日,6月15日,一款名为《湮灭圣礼》(Annihilation: Sola Fide)的横板动作RPG游戏在Steam平台正式亮相,并且提供了简体中文支持。玩家现在可以通过 ...
In the heart of downtown Sacramento, just a few blocks from the state Capitol, rests one of the city’s most historic buildings — the 135-year-old Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.
6月15日,一款名为《湮灭圣礼》(Annihilation: Sola Fide)的横板动作RPG游戏在Steam平台正式亮相,并且提供了简体中文支持。玩家现在可以通过访问Steam ...
有关中华人民共和国哈尔滨宗座署理区 据悉在黑龙江省哈尔滨宗座署理区岳福生神父的主教祝圣礼正在准备中, 对于此事本部特别指出: 1. 无教宗任命的主教祝圣礼, 直接反对教宗的职权 ...