Steve Eden, 42, was fatally stabbed in the laundry room of his Seattle apartment building in August. A fellow resident of his ...
On Mitchell Lane in Windsor in June 2023 a 2,631-square-foot home was sold for $925,000, a price per square foot of $352. The ...
When people think of natural disasters in the Mid-South, the first thing that comes to mind is tornadoes, and for a good ...
日前,广汽集团(601238)发布2024年半年度报告。上半年,广汽集团汇总口径营业总收入约1811.42亿元,汇总利税总额约152.66亿元;合并报表毛利总额同比增长5.5%、毛利率较去年同期提升1.38个百分点。 广汽集团已经连续十二年上榜《财富》世界500强榜单,最新排名为181位。财报显示,为回报投资者,广汽集团拟向全体股东派发中期股息每10股0.3元(含税),派发股息总额约3.1亿元。上 ...
【广汽集团:2024年上半年营收1811.42亿元,海外销量同比增长190%】 广汽集团公告:报告期内,公司实现营业总收入约1811.42亿元,汽车销量超86万辆,其中自主品牌汽车销量占比提升至约36.5%。董事会建议向全体股东派发每10股0.3元(含税)的中期现金股利。上半年,公司研发投入约32.5亿元,新增专利申请1,656件。国际市场方面,汽车海外销量约6.8万辆,同比增长约190%。
9月13日,杭萧钢构涨0.00%,成交额1811.07万元,换手率0.35%,总市值51.17亿元。 根据AI大模型测算杭萧钢构后市走势。短期趋势看 ...
Prosecutors filed charges Monday against a man accused of stabbing another man to death at a supportive housing facility in Seattle last month.
9月13日,欧陆通盘中下跌2.00%,截至11:17,报38.62元/股,成交1811.93万元,换手率0.46%,总市值39.08亿元。 资金流向方面,主力 ...
The Sept. 10 program of the Salem Historical Society & Museum will be presented at the Shaffer Library, located at 239 S.