当病痛或意外突然降临,死亡、重病或长期失能摆在眼前,最难并非为自己做决定,而是为所爱之人做抉择。尤其对方无法表达意愿时,积极的治疗是他想要的吗?这么做是延续生命,还是延续痛苦?其实这些难题,大部分都可通过预立护理计划(Advanced Care ...
No government funding comes close to the benefits offered by the ACP. But you can get a little monthly help from Lifeline.
New Census data shows an additional 6 million households got connected after the Affordable Connectivity Program (then the ...
Charter、威瑞森(Verizon)和康卡斯特(Comcast)等互联网服务提供商正在降低他们对延长《平价网络连接计划》(Affordable Connectivity Program,ACP)的支持。
阿柏西普是由再生元与拜耳共同研发的全球首个完全人源化的融合蛋白。虽然比雷珠单抗晚上市约5年,但阿柏西普卓越的疗法及亲民的价格,短时间内就奠定了其全球AMD领域的绝对优势地位。阿柏西普上市第一年销售额就达到了8.38亿美元;2022年,阿柏西普销售额为 ...
Storage deployments saw the second-best quarter on record with overall clean energy installations on pace for a record year, ...
A ruling from a Colombian court that ordered the suspension of work at a major offshore natural gas well is a threat to the ...
The ACP said the police had received several complaints of wrong and haphazard parking on road outside the restaurants.
除组件企业外,美国光伏原材料和配件企业也获得了大量补贴。根据美国能源部近期发布的信息,美国国税局已为在35个州开发的100多个项目分配了约40亿美元的税收抵免。其中已披露的光伏项目包括:Highland Materials公司获得2.556亿美元,用于在田纳西州生产太阳能级多晶硅;Solar Cycle公司获得6400万美元,用于在佐治亚州生产太阳能玻璃。
Beginning in June, more than 23 million homes in the US saw their internet bills increase by $30 to $75 per month when the Affordable Connectivity Program officially expired. The pandemic-era ...
7 月 26 日,LEED 北亚区携手日本绿色建筑协会(GBJ)在东京成功举办了一场聚焦既有建筑绿色升级的英日双语研讨会,吸引了约 50 名行业人士参与。会上,LEED 北亚区副总裁王婧分享了 LEED O+M 体系在日本的市场洞察,并鼓励利用绿色金融推动既有建筑市场的绿色转型;作为研讨会的核心内容,市场转化与拓展部高级经理蔡圣君详尽解读了 LEED v5 O+M ...