当地时间9月10日晚,美国前总统、共和党总统候选人特朗普同美国副总统、民主党总统候选人哈里斯参加由美国广播公司(ABC)在费城举办的电视辩论。辩论结束后,泰勒·斯威夫特在社交媒体发帖称,最近得知有不实消息称“她支持特朗普”,为此她在此做出澄清以对抗假 ...
这听起来似乎很有趣,但全美有一半家庭的收入不足以购买一套简易房。根据Redfin的数据,要买得起一套中等价位的简易房,潜在购房者的年收入需要近8万美元。然而,美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)的数据显示,50.1%的家庭年收入不超过7.5万美元。
Experience the ultimate night out at the Oriental Sunset Rooftop Party, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Shanghai ...
Canada approved multiple RSV shots to ward off infections this fall — here’s how to get them. Posted: 11 hours ago. Asamblea General de la ONU exige el fin de la ocupación israelí de ...
Welcome to join InterNations Guangzhou German Wine Festival 2024 on September 21! It's the third edition and this year besides the "Wine Queen" election we added the "Wine King" election! This is the ...