The Polish government is investing the equivalent of nearly $16 billion to fund the Eastern European nation's first nuclear ...
Westinghouse Electric Company and Bechtel said they welcome the announcement by the Polish government of its intention to ...
Peter Dutton’s big speech on nuclear provided a couple of new porkies, and no details of what, why, when and how much. Just ...
Fortum and Westinghouse also signed a memorandum of understanding in June 2023 to assess the feasibility of new nuclear ...
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power’s APR1000 and APR1400 reactors were chosen over the Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear reactor for further negotiations. CEZ announced in July that Korea Hydro & Nuclear ...
Poland, which signed an agreement with Westinghouse in 2022 to construct three AP1000 reactors, is looking to nuclear power ...
The company said China's State Council has greenlit building two AP1000 reactors for the Bailong nuclear power project, owned by the country's State Power Investment Corp, in the Guangxi province.
Energy security, affordability, and carbon intensity are key factors for U.S. economic competitiveness. Against expanding ...
Westinghouse Electric Company and Hyundai Engineering & Construction Company have signed a teaming agreement to pursue AP1000 ® technology opportunities in Sweden and Finland.
新时代新征程,在中国辽阔的大地上,清洁核能正不断释放澎湃动能。 近日,由国务院国资委新闻中心组织的“走进新国企 中广核30周年”调研团,从碧波万顷的大亚湾之滨到福建宁德东海之畔,跨越山水,走访调研,实地感受硬“核”实力。
9月25日,中核科技跌0.07%,成交额1.56亿元,换手率2.96%,总市值52.21亿元。 根据AI大模型测算中核科技后市走势。短期趋势看,该股当前无连续增减仓现象,主力趋势不明显。主力轻度控盘。中期趋势方面,上方有一定套牢筹码积压。近期该股获筹码青睐,且集中度渐增。舆情分析来看,2家机构预测目标均价16.30,高于当前价20.03%。目前市场情绪极度悲观。 异动分析 超超临界发电+核电+氢能 ...
9月25日,大连重工涨0.72%,成交额8418.33万元,换手率1.03%,总市值81.31亿元。 根据AI大模型测算大连重工后市走势。短期趋势看,该股当前无连续增减仓现象,主力趋势不明显。主力没有控盘。中期趋势方面,上方有一定套牢筹码积压。近期该股获筹码青睐,且集中度渐增。舆情分析来看,目前市场情绪极度悲观。 1、由大连重工承制的我国首台国产化AP1000三代核电技术反应堆厂房用燃料装卸料机, ...