奥尔德斯·伦纳德·赫胥黎(Aldous Leonard Huxley, 1894—1963),英国小说家、散文作家。20世纪20年代开始文学创作。作品大多具有悲观主义和神秘色彩,反映知识分子的精神危机。 1932年创作的长篇小说 《美丽新世界》 是奥尔德斯·赫胥黎的代表作,也是二十世纪经典的文学作品之一。
马斯克与佩奇之间的友情绵延超过十年,他们不仅是事业上的同伴,更是生活中的莫逆之交。他们曾在无数夜晚共同沉迷于电子游戏的虚拟世界,直至夜幕低垂。马斯克甚至曾在佩奇家的沙发上,累得直接进入梦乡,这段温暖的往事成为了他们深厚友谊的象征。在这次生日派对上,两 ...
Our students are being shaped by smartphones and other devices; that shape may be less smart than we hope for them.
The study of various touchstones in the history of man's search for the ideal commonwealth affords valuable insight into ideas and ideals that profoundly influenced the utopian thought of Aldous ...
A generation later, Brave New World author Aldous Huxley scornfully observed that a holy impulse had turned democracy into a ...
在1927年,一直出现上红蔓庄园酒标上的标志性托斯卡纳风格庄园建成,一直投入沿用至今,招待了世界各地慕名前来的访客。现场还展出了红蔓庄园自成立以来的各个标杆年份瓶图,最早可以看到1953年的瓶身。在1875年获得首个国际赞誉后,红蔓庄园就此打开了世界 ...
That and so much more — left unsaid from the debate stage, dodged in U.S. mass media and evaded from the podiums of power in ...
In this excerpt from a longer programme, John Lehmann speaks to Aldous Huxley as the novelist and essayist shares his thoughts on the art of writing. Since World War Two, Huxley has tended to ...
Whether you’re dealing with a fender-bender or a severe crash in Plano, a car accident can disrupt your home life, career and ...
The Labor government’s misinformation bill looks almost certain to pass, bestowing unprecedented powers on Australia’s ...