【第6集】Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination & Robert Kennedy’s greatest speech Martin Luther King,Jr.暗杀和罗伯特肯尼迪的最大演讲 译 American History牛津大学:美国历史 - Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination & Robert ...
回顾2016年,特朗普作为打破常规的政坛新角色跻身大选。相比于希拉里,特朗普为自身树立了一个敢说真话、不拘一格的超凡形象,并最终凭借选举人制度拿下摇摆州,险胜希拉里 ...
国家能力是当代社会科学界最重要的概念之一。政治学家一般将国家能力定义为国家实现国家目标的能力,这一变量直接影响到经济发展、公共产品的供给,乃至国家和平的维护。 不同于大多着眼于现当代的既有讨论,哈佛大学政府系首位中国籍教授王裕华在他的新作The Rise and Fall of Imperial China: The Social Origins of State Development 中将目光 ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
(ECNS)-- Back in December 1823, then U.S. President James Monroe put forward the idea that America is for Americans in his ...
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
In their lawsuit filed in May, TikTok and ByteDance argued that the law violates the First Amendment by censoring a specific ...