In communications, a channel that carries voice or video in analog form as a varying range of electrical frequencies. Contrast with digital channel. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
Analogue TV is something that most of us consider ... with their income derived from the sound channel’s position as an FM radio station. While his journey is an entertaining glimpse into ...
The analog voice channel is a radio channel that uses FM modulation to transfer voice (audio) signals. The analog voice channel also sends digital messages during brief periods by muting the voice ...
Description: capacity of two analog (V.32, V.34, etc.) modems or two short range modems. They also allow four async RS-232 devices to be connected together over short distances (100ft/30m) using just ...
All voice and video signals have to be converted from analog to digital in order to be carried over a digital channel. Contrast with analog channel. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.