Quantum sensors based on nitrogen–vacancy (NV) centres, a defect found in diamonds, are sensitive detectors of single spins. Jiang-Feng Du’s group uses them to gain new understanding of ...
In a paper released in Nature Communication today [insert DOI link], they detail a sensor that is significantly thinner than current quantum technology for magnetometry, paving the way for cheaper ...
To date, quantum sensing chips have been made from diamond as it's a very robust platform. The limitations of diamond-based sensors, though, is that they can only detect magnetic fields when ...
A quantum mechanical trick called 'spin squeezing' is widely recognized to hold promise for supercharging the capabilities of the world's most precise quantum sensors, but it's been notoriously ...
But a push to develop and deploy quantum sensors for navigation as a more accurate, less vulnerable alternative to GPS could change things. “In order to really succeed, we have to build the ...
Where classical technologies reach their limits, quantum technologies open up new possibilities for research, industry and business. New sensors, simulators, communication networks and computers with ...
Trained as a physicist in India, Balasubramanian works alongside biomedical scientists and engineers as she develops diamond-based quantum sensors that run at ambient temperatures. “We study ...
Mesa Quantum wants to shake up GPS by putting quantum sensors in devices as small as a phone and as large as a data center. The Boulder, Colorado-based startup is working on a suite of chip-scale ...
That’s why we’re fully engaged in supporting this emerging industry. We do this by designing, developing, and manufacturing quantum sensors, quantum devices, and entire systems. Find out what we do at ...
A breakthrough in quantum technology research could help realize a new generation of precise quantum sensors that can operate at room temperature. The research—carried out by an international ...
Nothing in science can be achieved or understood without measurement. Today, thanks to advances in quantum sensing, scientists can measure things that were once impossible to even imagine ...
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory PPPL researchers are using plasma science to grow quantum-grade diamonds with unprecedented control for quantum sensors and other quantum technologies. Through ...