Russia will not test a nuclear weapon as long as the U.S. refrains from testing, President Vladimir Putin's point man for ...
Kremlin TV channel has shown a simulation of a nuclear strike on London that it says would kill 850,000 people with a further ...
The explosion would be at an old Soviet test site first used 70 years ago in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and could be used ...
Radiation from a nuclear explosion can vaporize the surface of an asteroid and change its trajectory, a new study finds.
The double flash could have been a nuclear explosion of two to three kilotonnes - equivalent to 2-3,000 tonnes of TNT.
Documents reveal decades of denials and cover-ups, hindering proper compensation for the Australian victims of nuclear tests.
By Yao Afra YAO I had returned from my meeting with Dr. Archibold Buah-Kwofie, Ag. Director of the Nuclear Power Institute ...
Many foreign politicians have begun to forget the threat posed by nuclear weapons, and russia should remind the world of this ...
Henry Sokolski, executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, proposes three nuclear questions about ...
American and British leaders are growing concerned that Russia may be sharing nuclear secrets with Iran to bolster its ...
North Korea’s uranium production already surpasses what it needs for its own security and could fuel illicit arms programmes ...
The Huttos were devastated that their home was ruined but grateful photos of their late son survived the heat.