下一代纯电动产品,要到2025年了。 宝马重返「价格战」。 近日,有消息称,宝马的旗舰纯电车型i7(2023款xDrive60L,原价145.9万元)在国内降价幅度 ...
[文/观察者网 齐倩]继大众汽车后,另一家德国知名车企也深陷困境。当地时间9月10日,德国宝马汽车公司下调了全年利润预期,预计今年息税前利润 ...
据报道,宝马因为在涨价后销量大幅下滑,如今正重新启动价格战,大幅下调旗下车型售价,以期在2024年完成销量目标。 宝马此次重返价格战的 ...
BMW will recall about 1.5m vehicles over problems with their brakes, wiping €4.3bn (£3.7bn) off the value of the German carmaker. The company, which also makes Rolls-Royce and Mini, said the ...
Reeves will raise taxes by ‘at least’ £15bn-£20bn, says Wall Street giant BMW will recall about 1.5m vehicles over problems with their brakes, wiping €4.3bn (£3.7bn) off the value of the ...
BMW cut its profit margin forecast for the year Tuesday due to sluggish demand in China, its key market, and problems related to a braking system supplied by Continental, sending the carmaker’s ...
(慕尼黑/北京)9月5日,宝马集团宣布将于2028年推出首款面向市场的量产氢燃料电池车(FCEV)。在“技术开放”的长期策略 ...
All in,从来就不是齐普策的风格。 9月5日,宝马集团首席执行官齐普策在慕尼黑接待了丰田汽车社长佐藤恒治,宣布两家企业将在氢燃料电池汽车 ...
BMW now expects EBIT margin of 6-7% in 2024 Continental says some braking systems need to be replaced BMW shares down 11.7%, Continental shares down 10% Shares in BMW tumbled nearly 12%, on track ...
申明:本文转载自互联网,转载目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。文章内容仅供参考。如 ...
9月11日,2024全球工业互联网大会在辽宁省沈阳市隆重开幕。华晨宝马以全新BMW 5系为核心,展示了AI仿真技术重新定义下的汽车研发。 作为一种基于 ...