Though they live only a few hours before dividing, bacteria can anticipate the approach of cold weather and prepare for it.
A study explores how bacteria can establish endosymbiotic relationships with fungi. Researchers injected E. coli and ...
Giger continued the experiment over several generations of fungi, deliberately selecting those fungi whose spores contained ...
Endosymbiotic organisms have to live inside of another to survive, and this relationship often provides benefits for both the ...
To understand the origins of multicelled life, researchers are studying a motley assortment of simpler animal relatives. The ...
As XEC, the latest COVID variant takes hold, we are watching viral evolution play out on a time scale short enough to follow, ...
With its distinctive face and tufted ears, the Iberian lynx is a living testament to one of conservation's greatest comebacks ...
Long known as a messenger within cells, RNA is increasingly seen as life’s molecular communication system—even between ...
Researchers have a new battle tactic to fight drug-resistant bacterial infections. Their strategy involves using collections ...
Researchers have created a phage cocktail that could be used to treat antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections.
Researchers have profiled the microbial communities in sourdough starters, revealing that acetic acid bacteria contribute to ...