The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
From the Dark Knight's epic beginnings to some of his most iconic titles, these Batman comics may be old, but they are still ...
We wanted to use Bruce Timm’s designs from Batman the animated series and get Mark Hamill to do the voice. Unfortunately, Warner Brothers said no.” But while the Joker/Powerpuff Girls ...
LEGO DC Batman vs. The Joker Gift Set comes with 5 Minifigures, including 2 different The Joker Minifigures and 3 Batman, including a special 1992 Batman with a 2-in-1 cape and helmet. Kids can ...
Earlier this week, news broke that filmmaker Matt Reeves is reportedly developing a TV series revolving around Barry Keoghan's Joker, bridging the gap between The Batman Part II and The Batman ...
Also, Batman's triumphant comeback gets the attention of The Joker, who’s rejuvenated by ... The comic would then be adapted into a two-part animated direct-to-video film in 2012 and 2013.