AI transforms the mundane into art, turning weather patterns and traffic flows into beauty, redefining creativity with ...
The sculptors of a wicker shelter that has been compared to the poop emoji are defending their creation, which stands on a nature reserve on the south coast of England. Biden ignores shutdown ...
This tree was photographed by Pat Bernstein, who turned surgical recovery into artistic and philanthropic passion. Her ...
IT之家11 月 22 日消息,晚上好!IT之家!又到了 Epic 本周送出游戏的时间了(11 月 22 日-11 月 28 日),下周送出的游戏是《土豆兄弟(Brotato)》。 本周 Epic 送出的游戏是《观察者(Beholder)》,这是一款赛博朋克黑暗未来风格的冒险游戏,Steam 国区定价为 89 元,玩家将作为一名黑暗未来的“楼管”,必须观察你的租户,偷听他们的对话,并向上级报告他们 ...
Just something I stumbled across - During character creation, if you name your character after one of the NPCs from Eye of the Beholder II (examples: Calandra, Amber, Insal, San-Raal, etc..
本周(11月22日-11月28日),Epic为我们带来的是一款备受瞩目的赛博朋克风格冒险游戏——《观察者(Beholder)》。而在下周,则将盛大送出另一款 ...