Each year, the Choir’s Christmas concert includes the retelling of the Christmas story from the Bible. In 2021, it was given with deep feeling and emotion by Neal McDonough, who counts his ...
The shepherds returned, praising God for all they had heard and seen. In Luke’s Gospel, shepherds are the first to hear about the birth of Jesus. Being a shepherd in first century Palestine was ...
The previous chapter has, by implication, dealt with the Markan view of the Gentiles and the Gentile mission. However, before embarking on a study of the Gentiles in Luke's Gospel it is necessary to ...
The Jesus of Luke is an enormously powerful figure. I mean he comes on the scene as a prophet straight out of the Hebrew Bible. At his first appearance in his hometown synagogue he quotes the ...
Whether you know your Scriptures chapter and verse or you rarely take a peek at the Good Book, these Bible facts will surprise ... (Habakkuk 1:8), bears (2 Kings 2:24) and lions (mentioned on ...
As a careful historian, Luke sets the scene of Jesus' birth in its political context by mentioning various rulers and places at the time (2:1-4). Luke's gospel begins with dramatic appearances of ...
The following New Testament passage connects the Hebrew Bible to Jesus when he makes his first adult appearance, ready to ...
At one point in The Theology of St Luke, during a discussion of the relationship between the church and the world, Hans Conzelmann asserts that Luke ‘lays as the foundation of his defence of the ...
For example, the infancy narrative contains a genealogy [1:1-17] featuring four notable women [1:3,5,6]; a number of “fulfillment” passages that relate Jesus to prophetic texts [1:22-23; 2:5-6,14-15 .
On occasion, I call my sister and say, “We need to talk. There is trouble up on Walton’s Mountain!” Penny Gilliam Hagy is ...
City talisman is on track to break multiple goal records, but manager had to tell him about working harder without the ball in pre-season ...