Canada’s digital policy has seemingly long proceeded on the assumption that tech companies would draw from an unlimited ...
Facebook ads promoting passive income using images of the New Democratic Party of Canada leader do not lead to real offers.
The two countries have a long-standing dispute over a section of the Beaufort Sea, disagreeing over a treaty dating from 1825 ...
Canadian lawmakers are hearing there are lessons to be learned from the U.K. and other countries regarding sports betting ...
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday he’s focused on the work ahead after ...
联邦政府表示,将把国际学生签证数量再削减10%。由2024年的48.5万学签额,下調至2025和2026年的43.7万。 艾省省长史密斯(Danielle Smith)、新不伦瑞克省省长希格斯(Blaine Higgs)和新斯科舍省省长休斯顿(Tim ...
What is going on with Google's long-touted migration to an alternative adtech stack (aka its Privacy Sandbox proposal)? What ...
By Romain Schué, CBC News, RCI Radio-Canada infiltrated networks offering to bring Indian migrants from Quebec to the U.S. for a price We do it every day. It will take […] ...
【星岛都市网】加拿大航空公司(Air Canada)机师工会负责人表示,如果与资方达成的临时合约未能获得成员批准,她将辞职,在机师考虑是否接受大幅加薪或进行更艰难的讨价还价之际,这无疑增添了变数。
(法新社渥太华15日电) 加拿大航空(Air Canada)今天表示,已赶在罢工前最后一刻与旗下机师达成暂时性协议,以防罢工造成航班停飞,对经济造成严重损失。
ROME (AP) — Canadian and Italian dignitaries on Thursday marked the successful recovery of a photo portrait of Winston ...