Only a very few protein structures had been determined by X-ray crystallography; fortunately, one of these was that of carboxypeptidase A (ref. 6), a zinc-containing exopeptidase that cleaves a ...
Norroy Bioscience Co. Ltd. has prepared drug conjugates comprising a radionuclide linked to a ligand targeting glutamate carboxypeptidase II (NAALADase; NAAG peptidase, FOLH1; PSMA) through a linker ...
Ninety-seven Puerto Rican patients with tropical sprue were studied. Forty-seven patients were untreated at the time of study, and 50 had been receiving therapy for various periods. The untreated ...
Exocrine function - The pancreas also produces digestive enzymes like trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, and carboxypeptidase, which help break down proteins. Enzymes to digest fats, like lipase and ...
Serendipitously I then discovered in current literature that the tertiary structure of carboxypeptidase A had just been elucidated to high resolution by x-ray diffraction, in this case a metalloenzyme ...