Air China on Tuesday operated the maiden commercial flight of its first home-made C919 aircraft, becoming the second airline in China to use the aircraft after China Eastern Airlines. This is believed ...
美国三大电信公司正在激烈竞争,努力阻止客户转投竞争对手的平台,同时还要寻找新用户。美国第二大移动运营商T-Mobile正在与OpenAI合作创建一个新平台IntentCX,旨在提供更快速、更个性化的客户服务。T-Mobile表示,通过访问客户数据,I ...
Between Nokia, Samsung, and HTC, we've certainly got no shortage of candidates for our list of the worst Android phones ever ...
T-Mobile US, Inc. (NASDAQ:TMUS)在周四的资本市场日(CMD)活动后,继续获得TD ...
在其他近期新闻中,T-Mobile已经看到多家主要金融机构上调了目标价。Scotiabank将目标价上调至215.50美元,摩根大通上调至230美元,Evercore ...
"This is not a nice-to-have. It's a need." Company showcases innovative mobile power unit capable of charging up to 30 EVs a ...
Mobile games developer Playtika has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire SuperPlay, a mobile gaming company based ...
CoralApp 近期宣布正式推出首款支持BNB 生态手机 CoralPhone,也是首个 EVM 兼容智能设备。CoralPhone 开发了 Coral OS + Mobile Stack,从底层优化 Android OS ...
Companies in the Communication Services sector have received a lot of coverage today as analysts weigh in on T Mobile US (TMUS – Research ...
Bradley Tusk, founder and CEO of Tusk Philanthropies, tested “mobile voting” for elections across seven states and saw major ...
苹果公司 (Apple)目前面临来自中国竞争对手的更大压力,这些中国同行正在销售功能先进的手机,而苹果公司最新款iPhone一时还无法向中国消费者提供人工智能 (AI)服务。 苹果公司在加州的一场活动上 发布了iPhone 16系列产品 ...
智通财经APP获悉,香港联交所最新资料显示,9月13日,Otautahi Capital Inc.减持升能集团 (02459)1000万股,每股作价0.3981港元,总金额为398.1万港元。减持后最新持股数目为1.88亿股,最新持股比例为18.57 ...