Cell membranes from comb jellies reveal a new kind of adaptation to the deep sea: curvy lipids that conform to an ideal shape ...
Scientists at Kyoto University's Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS) have uncovered new details about ...
Researchers have found that a previously underestimated aspect of our cells has a significant impact by completing a gap in ...
Researchers from the Harry Perkins Institute and the University of Western Australia have discovered that honeybee venom can ...
Researchers from Duke University and Washington University in St. Louis have shown that the formation of biological ...
Beta, a signaling protein that holds sway over an astonishing array of cellular processes from embryonic development to ...
Cells send electrical impulses throughout the body, but electrophysiologists struggled to tune into these signals until the ...
Scientists have long known that cancer cells alter lipid metabolism, but it was generally assumed that cancer cells were ...
Long known as a messenger within cells, RNA is increasingly seen as life’s molecular communication system — even between ...
Scientists have developed a high-efficiency electrochemical cell that converts bicarbonate from captured CO2 into formate ...
By combining and developing various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, researchers have revealed triggers of ...
In living cells, regulation of the electrochemical environment is supposed to be managed by ion channels—protein complexes that reside in cell membranes and assume definite shapes. So, it’s ...