据香港知名国际媒体《南华早报》消息称,近日,中国自主研发的C919客机再次迎来了一项重要突破。9月14日,一架C919顺利降落在西藏拉萨贡嘎机场,这是该机型首次飞抵这一世界海拔最高的机场之一。观察人士指出,这次飞行不仅是C919机型飞行能力的展示,更 ...
近日,新华社发布消息称,国产大飞机C919自投入商业运营以来,已累计承运旅客突破50万人次。这不仅是中国航空工业的一大成就,也是国产大飞机在市场认可方面的重要验证。 C919是中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)研制的大型客机,代表了中国在航空制造领域的一次重大飞跃。自2008年项目启动以来,C919历经设计、研发、测试和认证多个阶段,于2017年实现首飞,并于2023年正式投入商业运营。
快科技5月14日消息,据媒体报道称,商飞开始着手设计C939远程宽体飞机。 有消息人士透露称,不同于C929对标787、A330 neo这个级别“小宽体”,C939的 ...
Comac’s C919 will undergo a series of test flights for high-altitude operations, as the airframer continues to develop the high-altitude variant of the narrowbody programme. The disclosure comes ...
Plane manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, or COMAC, delivered one plane each of its domestically-produced C919 model to Air China and China Southern Airlines on Wednesday, marking a ...
The state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac) entered into an agreement on personnel exchange and training with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST ...
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac), the developer and producer of the narrowbody passenger jet, delivered its first C919 planes for Air China and China Southern Airlines on Wednesday.
Air China and China Southern Airlines will become the second and third Chinese carriers to fly China's homegrown COMAC C919 passenger jet when their first planes are delivered on Wednesday ...
轻盈地起飞,平稳地巡航,丝滑地降落。 如果要用最简短的方式来描述乘坐C919的体验,上面这句话再合适不过。然而,一趟国产大飞机旅程带给我们的,远不止这些。真实体验过国航C919后,我们对于中国制造的品质和用心,有了更深的理解。 9月11日傍晚,国航 ...
China’s Comac is poised to hand over the first of two single-aisle C919 jets to new operators Air China Ltd. and China Southern Airlines Co., state broadcaster CCTV said Wednesday. The double ...