Conjugation is a very long word, isn't it? In grammar, when you conjugate a verb, it just means that you change the verb in order for a sentence to make sense. Correctly conjugated verbs ...
The TE-form verbs are the conjugated form of verbs that end with TE or DE. For example, when you want to ask others to memorize something, you say the TE-form of the verb, OBOEMASU (to memorize ...
Subject-verb agreement means that your verb must be conjugated, or changed, to fit (or agree) with the subject. Subjects can be singular or plural. Think of singular and plural as mathematical ...
This handout is available for download in PDF format. Active verbs are important components of any academic writing! Just as in other forms of writing, they work as engines, driving the action of your ...
KAKIMASU (to write) is an example. When the verbs in this group conjugate, the syllables before MASU change. Let’s make the dictionary form of KAKIMASU (to write). Here, you change KI ...