AAS use linked to persistent coronary dysfunction, even years post-cessation, stressing long-term cardiovascular concerns.
The findings, researchers say, suggest that “supraphysiologic doses of testosterone and synthetic steroids could have adverse impacts in coronary microcirculation.” Led by Yeliz Bulut, MD (Copenhagen ...
A new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that young males who use or have previously used ...
"Our findings suggest that coronary microvascular function could play a crucial role in the prediction of long-term cardiovascular risk in apparently healthy individuals," explained Dr. Ana Devesa ...
Analysis defined impaired myocardial microcirculation as a myocardial ... of younger men who use [steroids] risk development of coronary microvascular dysfunction at an early age and thus ...
[Impact of external counterpulsation on microcirculation in patients with coronary heart disease complicated by chronic heart failure after surgical and endovascular myocardial revascularization].