马来西亚10月1日落实外国注册车辆入境准证和开始执法,尚未成功申请到准证的新加坡车辆仍可入境,暂时不会受到处罚,但将接获提醒和警告。 马国陆路交通局总监艾迪法德里星期五(9月27日)发声明说,外国注册车辆入境准证(Vehicle Entry ...
Today, September 28, 2024, we celebrate the 95th birth anniversary of the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar with a special ...
Positioning defibrillator pads on the front and back of the body, rather than on the front and side, could be more effective ...
马国陆交局总监艾迪法德里星期五(9月20日)晚间发声明说,新加坡车主如今可通过一触即通(Touch N Go)电子钱包应用中的“VEP JPJ”选项来更新身份证号码信息,以方便申请外国注册车辆入境准证(Vehicle Entry ...
A road transport department officer told CNA that enforcement details for Oct 1 have not been confirmed by the Transport ...
现代快报讯(记者 丁梦莎)国庆假期临近,想好去哪里玩了吗?去看音乐节想必是不少人的选择,南京咪豆音乐节、上海百威风暴电音节……假期音乐节指南来啦。
(吉隆坡16日讯)民主行动党国会领袖倪可敏表示,政府在反对党选区拨款备忘录草案中所列出的条件,都是为了国家的利益,而国盟之所以拒绝是故意找茬。他说,草案中所列出的条件都是经过专业且仔细的讨论,所有的条件也均是为了国家的利益和福祉,自己也想不明白为何会 ...
傅云生呼吁人民,让“马来西亚文明:自由精神”的主题成为现实,实践不同文化和种族的人民的融合。(古晋14日讯)马来西亚天主教主教团吁呼吁国人超越口号和言辞,真诚地携手并肩,为国家建设共同努力,成为真正团结一致的马来西亚人民。互相接纳尊重各族马来西亚天主 ...
Guguwa Helene da ta ratsa jihohin Florida da Georgia cikin daren Juma’a na da ya daga cikin irinta mafi karfi da aka gani a tarihin Amurka, inda ta hallaka mutum guda tare da haddasa ambaliyar ruwa a ...
Daniel Dubois ya kare kambinsa na IBF a damben ajin masu nauyi, bayan doke Anthony Joshua a wasan da ƴan kallo dubu 90 suka ...
Malaysian authorities say that a warning notice will be issued to drivers of vehicles before they leave Malaysia if they have ...
Singaporean vehicles without a Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) will still be allowed entry into Johor starting October 1, says the Road Transport ...