Gabriela Ortiz, Carnegie Hall’s composer in residence this season, has spent her career channeling the sounds and ...
The IEEE Audio and Electroacoustics Group therefore formed a Subcommittee on Subjective Measurements, which has been charged with writing a Recommended Practice for speech quality measurement. The ...
帕克斯-麦克莱伦算法(英语:Parks–McClellan algorithm,又称为Remez-exchange algorithm、Mini-max algorithm),为一个用以设计优化有限脉冲响应滤波器(finite impulse response filter)的迭代算法,由James McClellan和Thomas Parks于1972年的著作中提出。
Andra McCartney, Monique Jean, Diana McIntosh, Pascale Trudel, Mara Zibens.
He holds a B.Mus. and a MMA (Composition) from McGill University. His principle teachers were Istvan Anhalt [composition], Rosetta Renshaw, Kelsey Jones and Bruce Mather [theory], Marvin Duchow ...
中文名称:电声学.人的头部和耳朵模拟器.第5部分:借助耳塞连接耳朵的助听器和耳机测量的2cm<上标3>的耦合器 英文名称:Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and ear - Part 5: 2 cm<(hoch)3> coupler for the measurement of hearing aids and earphones ...
He is currently working as an Associate Professor with the Department of Electroacoustics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. His main areas of his interests are ...
The power of electrophysiologically measured cortical activity decays 1/f X. The slope of this decay (i.e. the spectral exponent) is modulated by various factors such as age, cognitive states or ...
The CEC endeavors to foster a broad, diverse, and inclusive community of electroacoustic practitioners, raise the profile of electroacoustics in the Canadian arts milieu, and to promote Canadian ...
Acoustical consultants use the scientific understanding of how sound moves through space to help design and modify rooms, buildings, performance spaces, studios, and more to meet their clients' needs.
This is the repository of the ReverbNet project, where we use deep learning to estimate the room reverberation parameters from speech utterances. Our original paper can be found here. A data-driven ...