You have the spirals like the Milky Way and Andromeda, the irregular galaxies, and the elliptical galaxies. This latter group tends to have the most massive and usually most aged population of stars.
"Our findings take us closer to solving a long-standing mystery in astronomy that will redefine our understanding of how galaxies were created in the early universe." Astronomers have discovered ...
My collaborators and I have just tackled one of astrophysics’ enduring mysteries: how massive elliptical galaxies can form. Now, for the first time, we have solid observational evidence that ...
Galaxy clusters -- the big cities of the universe -- are home to many giant elliptical galaxies that have completed their growth and are not forming stars. However, it is still unclear what has ...
It is as humbling as it is motivating to think about how much we still have to learn about the universe. My collaborators and I have just tackled one of astrophysics’ enduring mysteries: how massive ...