The Division of Perceptual Studies in UVA’s medical school is looking to learn how common it is for U.S. children to report ...
Reincarnation has long been associated with mysticism, yet modern science may provide the key to understanding its potential ...
Explore the Gateway Process, a declassified U.S. Army study on reincarnation, consciousness, and psychic spycraft.
Dorothy was playing, then accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. She hit her head and was knocked unconscious. When her parents found her, she wasn't breathing. They called a doctor who rushed ...
Pythagoras believed in reincarnation, remembered his past lives, and saw the soul as deeply connected to the cosmos.
Reincarnation is a Latin word ... Indeed, there is much evidence to support this in the stories of Irish mythology. In the Tochmarc Étaíne, ‘The Wooing of Étaín’ from the Mythological ...