For generations, the United States Air Force has been at the head of the line in air warfare. Thus, it has continuously ...
As the F-15C nears the end of its tenure at the base, the Department of Defense has chosen the F-15EX Eagle II to carry ...
1989年7月4日正值美国独立日,驻荷兰苏斯特伯格空军基地的美国空军第32战术战斗机中队(代号“猎狼犬”)虽然距离本土有千里之遥,且担负着北约组织的战备值勤任务,但官兵们还是一大早就按照惯例在基地里准备了丰盛的美食、酒水,部分好事者甚至驱车到附近的阿 ...
The Oregon Air National Guard 173rd Fighter Wing is letting its neighbors know it will conduct night flying operations this ...
(取自DVIDS网站) 美国空军第18联队26日表示,4架驻防嘉手纳基地的F-15C战机,24日已启程飞返美国,结束数十年来在当地的空防任务。在新一代F-15EX ...
In this article, we take a look at Saudi F-15s, their history in Saudi Air Force service and use in combat over the course of ...
被称为「最强第4代战机」的波音F-15EX,于上星期出现在奥勒冈国际航空展(Oregon International Airshow ,OIA) ),这是公眾与航空爱好者首次见证这款老当益壮的战斗机。航空极客俱乐部(The Aviation Geek ...
Fonterra has reported a net profit of $1.1 billion for financial year ending July 31, 2024. The strong performance has ...
Earlier attempts to chart our planet's ancient climate suggested vastly hotter average temperatures -- 30C (60F) above ...
DOI:10.19486/j.cnki.11-1936/tj.2021.18.0072021年7月16日,俄罗斯《军事评论》网站“防务”专栏上传一篇署名文章,原文作者针对有争议的北方四岛问题,对日俄两国争夺其主权所具备的战斗力进行了简要分析。重点根据 ...
Fonterra has posted a strong $1.1 billion net profit result for FY24 with a special dividend. The big dairy co-operative said ...
A U.S. Air Force F-15C Eagle assigned to the 67th Fighter Squadron takes off at Kadena Air Base, Japan, Aug. 24, 2024. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Edward Yankus) As the F-15C nears ...