瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)已启动对Credit Suisse在2023年3月被UBS收购前15个月期间活动的审计。据瑞士报纸SonntagsZeitung今日报道,这项调查旨在scrutinize Credit Suisse在最终崩溃和由国家策划与长期竞争对手UBS合并之前所采用的危机管理策略。
格隆汇9月23日|据瑞士媒体《SonntagsZeitung》,瑞士金融监管部门FINMA将调查瑞士信贷去年3月被瑞士银行吞并前15个月、处理危机的过程是否恰当。FINMA已聘请律师行Wenger ...
据瑞士周日报消息,瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)下令对瑞士信贷银行(Credit Suisse)被瑞银集团(UBS)收购前的事件进行审计。消息称,瑞士金融市场监管局正在调查去年3月合并之前15个月的情况,并为此采访了两家银行的近十名现任或前任员工。(界面) ...
据悉,瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)正在对瑞士信贷银行(Credit Suisse)被瑞银集团(UBS)收购前的事件进行审计。消息称,该监管机构正在调查去年3月合并之前15个月的情况,并采访了两家银行近十名现任或前任员工。
Swiss financial market regulator FINMA is investigating the final 15 months of Credit Suisse as an independent bank and its rescue by ...
ZURICH (Reuters) -Swiss financial market regulator FINMA ordered an audit into Credit Suisse's handling of events leading to ...
据瑞士周日报消息,瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)下令对瑞士信贷银行(Credit Suisse)被瑞银集团(UBS)收购前的事件进行审计。消息称,瑞士金融市场监管局正在调查去年3月合并之前15个月的情况,并为此采访了两家银行的近十名现任或前任员工。(界面) ...
Swiss financial market regulator FINMA on Tuesday said it had confiscated 12.7 million Swiss francs ($15 million) from ...
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority has taken action against private bank Mirabaud & Cie,over money laundering.
Mirabaud has committed severe violations of anti-money laundering regulations. In response, Finma has imposed a series of ...
Switzerland’s financial-markets regulator ordered an audit of Credit Suisse’s actions that led to its collapse in March 2023, ...