The fear of driving has a name, it's called Amaxophobia. If you feel like you have it or know someone who does, you should ...
Acrophobia is the intense fear of heights, causing anxiety and panic when in high places like tall buildings or bridges. It ...
About 70% of the VR group no longer had a fear of heights, while, unsurprisingly, all of the people in the control group, who received no treatment, still did. Fay has now had the same therapy ...
I have a fear of heights. It’s not unreasonable, it doesn’t restrict my daily life, but it is very much there. It’s the impending drop which gets me: the empty space, the threat of gravity ...
When she was offered the chance to try the treatment to address her fear of exposed heights, Holland jumped at the opportunity. To treat Holland’s phobia, Kindt first had her climb inside a ...
Can virtual reality cure a fear of heights? The programme is being developed ... But she says it's hard to compare with treatment from a trained professional who knows the best techniques for ...
Fear of spiders, open spaces, fear of heights? Virtual reality comes to the rescue as a tool to treat phobias, prove researchers from SWPS University, Gdańsk University of Technology and Jagiellonian ...
Pediatric ER nurse Heidi Farrington, 53, took a via ferrata in West Virginia three years ago, in part to shake a fear of heights. Tethered to lines anchored in rock, she could enjoy some of the ...
Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Aviophobia is the fear of flying ... What are phobias, and how can someone get treatment for a fear that prevents them from shaving? WebMD looks at the different ...
It was time to get over some of them. I decided to start with my fear of heights Some of my friends had joined the local rock-climbing club and encouraged me to get out of my empty house and join ...
DEAR HARRIETTE: I have always had a fear of heights, which has made me hesitant to try things that involve being up high. However, one item on my bucket list has been going skydiving in Dubai ...