In January of 1954, supported by the military, engineers from Bell Labs built the first computer without vacuum tubes. Known as TRADIC (for TRAnsistorized DIgital Computer), the machine was a mere ...
A vacuum tube is just that: a glass tube surrounding ... Thomas Edison noticed this first in 1883. While fiddling with lightbulbs he saw that he could get current to jump from the hot filament ...
While the first computers were mechanical and famously ran on vacuum tubes, there were other schools of thought that brought us a different kind of computer that ran on water. The Russian ...
Fewer will go back to the Intel 8008 or even 4004 era which were the first integrated ... of programmable vacuum tube machines. [Mike] has gone back to the 1950s with this computer which uses ...
[Usagi Electric] is breathtakingly close to having his Bendix G15 vacuum tube computer up and running ... the big green “Reset” button. The first attempt was stymied by a blown fuse.