With eight individual lanes of 1.25B reads each, users can select to run a shared flowcell or request a full flowcell (10B reads). A shared flowcell will combine multiple projects together and would ...
The sample is then passed through a 10mm flowcell and absorbance measured at 540nm. The procedure is the same for the nitrite analysis but without the cadmium column. Ortho-Phosphate is analysed using ...
The team started with synthetic 40-mer RNA oligoribonucleotides that they poly(A)-tagged to capture them on the poly(T) surface of the sequencer's flowcell. Their prototype flowcell was small ...
Temperature control by water circulation is possible with the Series 1000 for a single cell, SIP flowcell, or for 4 cells mounted on the cell changer. A special sample compartment lid and pipe ...
The NovaSeq instrument can decode the entire DNA sequence of 16 genomes at 30x in 40 hours based on running two S2 flowcells, and later in the year a new flowcell will allow sequencing of up to an ...
In other recent news, Bionano Genomics reported a 10% year-over-year decline in Q2 2024 revenue, which fell to $7.8 million due to a significant drop in flowcell sales, particularly in China.