有的朋友说,就喜欢吃甜的, 可不可以不吃主食,改成吃水果。 有的朋友却说,水果含糖量那么高, 更容易胖人吧,能不能不吃水果,会不会营养缺乏。 咱们这篇文章就来较个真,看看水果是不是可以不吃。
Maybe it is time for the public to worry about what fructose may be doing to their children and themselves.
Instead of cutting sugar out of your diet, you should focus on the types of sugar you consume. Natural sugar substitutes are ...
急性髓系白血病是恶性程度最高的白血病亚型之一,其以未分化髓系祖细胞的克隆性扩增为特征,多发于65岁以上老年人群,临床治疗仍以化疗为主,缺乏有效的靶向治疗策略,导致AML病人临床现状不容乐观,其五年生存率仅为30%,因此亟需深入揭示其复杂的发病机制并开发新型的治疗策略。最新的研究发现,染色质可及性变异是AML的一大特征,然而其在AML中的产生原因及作用后果尚不清楚。另外,最近有研究发现AML病人具有 ...
While cold drinks might seem like a refreshing treat, their long-term effects on your health cannot be ignored. Moderation is ...
Scientists have designed a new form of insulin that can automatically switch itself on and off depending on glucose levels in ...
Objective—Adverse effects of hypercaloric, high-fructose diets on insulin sensitivity and lipids in human subjects have been shown repeatedly. The implications of fructose in amounts close to ...
其实,不光在魔法界,自然界中也有不少的神奇动物,它们具有人类梦寐以求却求之不得的某些技能。 今天,我们要介绍的神奇动物就是没毛的裸鼹鼠。它真的能让所有人类嫉妒到落泪,因为它不光“不会衰老”,还具有不得癌症的技能!!!凭借着这项技能,裸鼹鼠还获得了2013年《科学》杂志“年度脊椎动物”的称号! 《科学》杂志刊登的年度脊椎动物:裸鼹鼠 ...
Researchers at the University of Delaware are conducting research for healthy individuals ages 18 to 45 to learn the impact of dietary salt and fructose on blood pressure and inflammation. The purpose ...
参考资料: [1]Peng Zhou, Wen-yi Chang, De-ao Gong, Jie Xia, Wei Chen, Lu-yi Huang, Rui Liu, Yi Liu, Chang Chen, Kai Wang, Ni Tang, Ai-long Huang. High dietary fructose promotes ...
Throughout the projected period, the market may well be likely to expand at a rapid pace. The rising global demand for ...