硬件逐步成熟、还找到了内容供给源,就是AR眼镜迎来爆发式增长的关键。 随着去年Vision Pro在WWDC23上正式亮相,也让无数XR从业者开启寄希望于苹果 ...
IT之家 10 月 17 日消息,科技媒体 Patently Apple 于 10 月 15 日发布博文,报道称苹果公司获得了一项投影仪专利,用户不需要佩戴头显的情况下,能够在桌子、墙壁等表面显示混合增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)内容。
【VRAR星球原创稿件,未经许可禁止转载】每天三分钟,了解VR/AR行业热点今日新闻速览•推出两年后,Meta 宣布正式停产Quest Pro头显•消息称低配版苹果Vision Pro屏幕分辨率更低,像素密度为 1500 ...
【ITBEAR】近日,科技媒体Patently Apple发布消息称,苹果公司成功获得了一项创新投影仪技术的专利。据悉,这项技术允许用户在不佩戴任何头戴设备的情况下,将混合增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)内容直接投射到桌子、墙壁等平面上。
The start-and-stop nature of augmented reality and virtual reality got another start recently, after Meta showed off its ...
【VRAR星球原创稿件,未经许可禁止转载】摘要:死去的记忆被唤醒?摩托罗拉或将借Meta Quest平台重回世界科技舞台在最近举行的2024 年联想科技世界大会 (Lenovo Tech World ...
The Meta Quest 3S contains many of the Quest 3’s signature features, including color passthrough, speedy performance, a ...
A patent granted today describes an Apple projector capable of displaying a mix of AR and VR content onto the desk and walls ...
Tech companies have been fascinated with AR, VR, and XR for decades, and many see it as one of the futures of computing. Google’s entry into the format came in the form of the much-marveled ...
[新品]微软VR头显:VR新秀还是"马后炮"? 微软正与大型制造企业如宏碁、联想和惠普合作打造新一代虚拟现实头显。对比其它两款头显如Oculus Rift和HTC Vive,这套设备体验并不差 详情 /> ...