The Gospel of Luke is the first volume of Luke-Acts, which was composed by "Luke the beloved physician," a traveling companion of St. Paul (Col 4:14). The Gentile St. Luke wrote his work for ...
Visit the homepage for more information. The Gospel of Luke and Acts give us the essential framework for the beginning of an authentic study of Mary. This Gospel is a Christ-centered proclamation to ...
The gospel of John is dramatically different than the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). Instead of organizing ... water and world suffuse the text providing rich food for meditation.
The Sunday lectionary gospel reading for Trinity 18 in this Year B is Mark 9.38–50. It is a rather unusual reading; it ...
The Gospel of Luke mentions a move to Jerusalem when Jesus ... “We first noticed the word Jesus in the text. Then, by ...
The reading for Trinity 16 in this Year B (Trinity 15 in other years) is Mark 8.27–38, the encounter with forms the pivot in the second gospel: until now, there has been power, success, dynamism and ...
Will there be room for new voices, will there be space for surprise asked Valdir Steuernagel in a speech he gave at a meeting ...
As the US election campaign rages on, we are hearing a good deal about the family. Among Republicans, that tends to mean a ...
Katy Perry and Dr. Luke. Photo-Illustration: Vulture; Photos: Getty February 7, 2020: A New York Supreme Court judge rules that Kesha defamed Dr. Luke when she claimed Dr. Luke raped Perry.
City talisman is on track to break multiple goal records, but manager had to tell him about working harder without the ball in pre-season ...
Luke Littler admitted that he's 'fearing the ... including giving him the cold shoulder and ignoring text messages. 'I understood then that I am his example. That at the World Championship ...