Gravity research reveals hidden structures beneath Mars' lost oceans and Olympus Mons, shedding light on the planet’s ...
The team added new limits to how dark matter could interact with the LIGO detector, boosting hopes for future runs.
A new analysis of Mars' gravitational field has revealed hidden structures buried beneath the remains of an ancient ocean.
Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists who arranged for 48 human bioengineered heart tissue samples to spend 30 days at the ...
Studies of gravity variations at Mars have revealed dense, large-scale structures hidden beneath the sediment layers of a ...
Yes, you really can climb a building by jumping back and forth between two opposing walls. Thank you, Isaac Newton.
Physicists have long grappled with understanding how gravity works at the quantum level. Johanna Erdmenger is tackling this ...
We know Mars once had an active geological past, filled with water, volcanic activity, and dynamic geological changes. Now, ...
Having artificial gravity would be incredibly useful to any astronaut who happens to have evolved and grown up in a ...
Studies on Mars have revealed hidden structures and dense areas beneath old ocean beds, influencing the volcanic activity of ...
Gravity is no longer a mystery to physicists—at least when it comes to large distances. Thanks to science, we can calculate ...
Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists who arranged for 48 human bioengineered heart tissue samples to spend 30 days at the ...