Growing potatoes in grow bags 'Potatoes can take up quite a lot of room when planted straight in the soil,' says Morris Hankinson, director of Hopes Grove Nurseries. 'Growing pota ...
Maincrops take up the most space in the garden, but they tend to be the best varieties to grow if you want some for storage. Your home-grown potatoes should be ready for lifting from June until ...
Explore the potato varieties list of heirlooms and which are the best heirloom potatoes to plant in your garden. Heirloom Vegetable Gardening by William Woys Weaver is the culmination of some ...
If pruned closer to the start of the growing season, cell growth will soon seal the wounds. Q: Some of the potatoes that we grew in our garden have green areas on the skin. Are the potatoes still ...
Growing attractive edibles like sweet potatoes can enhance your garden’s appearance as well as its benefits. Consider growing plants like sweet potatoes that serve double duty in your landscape.
Scientists have discovered a way to remove toxic compounds from potatoes, making them safer ... in potato "tubers"—the part of the potato plant that is eaten—even after they've been harvested.