12月25日,黑河市“极境冰雪·蝶舞黑河”冰雪季启动仪式逊克分会场在克林镇大平台雾凇景区盛大举办,来自全国各地的游客朋友齐聚库尔滨河畔,观赏雾凇美景,体验冰雪乐趣。哈尔滨工业大学建筑与设计学院教授博士生导师薛明辉,黑河市文化广电和旅游局局长孙颖健出席 ...
按照《关于开展2024年“新时代龙江好少年”学习宣传活动的通知》部署要求,省委宣传部 (省文明办)、省关工委、省教育厅、团省委、省妇联组织开展了2024年度“新时代龙江好少年”选树活动。经逐级推荐、审核把关、评委会评审、社会公示等程序,推选出了2024年度“新时代龙江好少年”31名,其中黑河市2名学生荣获2024年度“新时代龙江好少年”荣誉称号,他们是: ...
Construction began in 2016 and was finished in May 2020, but it only launched two years later due to cross-border Covid-19 ...
Find the best Heihe hotel for your dates, by price or preference Fancy a break, but haven't decided on exact dates yet? Good! Use our calendar view to find the cheapest month or even day of the month ...
A video from November 28, 2024, in Heihe, located in northeastern China’s Heilongjiang Province, showcases a creative winter scene. Amid freezing temperatures and thick snow, local students ...
A remarkable $340million bridge, one of the most impressive pieces of modern infrastructure globally, now enables vehicles to ...
Chinese battery giant CATL unveiled its CIIC ultra-high-safe flagship version of the Bedrock Chassis. The chassis has previously complted winter tests in Heihe and summer tests i... Beijing ...
Sorry, we can’t find any flight deals flying from Heihe to Jiagedaqi right now.Find a flight How did we find these deals? The deals you see here are the lowest ...