For it’s only now that I’ve even started to realise how to actually look after it – how to make its ... that is very graphic and precise.” Unfortunately, a lot of curly hair care is ...
The first rule of the Curly Girl Method is that you need to be patient with your curls in both the short and the long term.
So, the bowl method happens on wash day, which if you have very curly hair might be every five or six days. After washing the hair, a bowl of warm water is placed in a sink, and as you work the ...
Curly patterns have bends and turns which make it harder for moisturizing ... The material is very important here. Silk and satin are much gentler on the hair, as opposed to other fabrics like ...
Remember, if you do opt for a diffuser, make sure to spritz your curls ... “If you prefer to wear your curly hair long or very natural then you may be able to skip this part, if not then styling ...