Patients undergoing complex gastrointestinal malignancy surgeries experience various challenges such as immune system ...
根据中国民政部发布的《2023年民政事业发展统计公报》,截至2023年底,中国60周岁及以上的老年人口达到了29697万人,占总人口的21.1%。标志着中国已经正式进入中度老龄化阶段。国家卫健委老龄司司长王海东预测,到2035年左右,中国60岁及以上 ...
Our team has made significant contributions to the field of in vivo MS analysis by developing and translating MS systems to the operating room, thereby enabling in vivo molecular measurements of the ...
Gabriel Pascal, a 43-year-old optometrist from Nigeria, recently underwent a rare and complex facial reanimation surgery at ...
Mild form, with a well-dilated pupil preoperatively and some intraoperative iris billowing; Moderate form with mid dilated pupil preoperatively and mild tendency of the iris to prolapse through ...
接轨国际新技术,共享学术新成果。9月6日—10日,第42届欧洲白内障与屈光外科医师学会年会(ESCRS 2024)在西班牙巴塞罗那盛大召开,武汉普瑞眼科医院关念副院长受邀出席并作学术发言。
This publication provides an updated source for professionals involved in employing guided intraoperative scintigraphic tumour targeting (GOSTT). Its content contributes to supporting both the ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible impact of the measurement of intraoperative PTH 20 minutes after surgery. Methods: Between 2003 and 2012, 188 patients underwent a focused ...
For older adults undergoing hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture, intraoperative use of liposomal bupivacaine does not improve ...
For older adults undergoing hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture, intraoperative use of liposomal bupivacaine does not improve pain scores or other relevant outcomes, compared to conventional bupivacaine ...