This story appears in the November 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine. Name the last place where you saw seaweed on the menu, not including a Japanese restaurant. Drawing a blank?
If you're a fan of Korean, Chinese, or Japanese culture and cuisine, you've definitely heard of seaweed or must have even tried it! Seaweed is actually algae and marine plants but can be consumed ...
slicing the fronds of seaweed. “It’s getting a bit sore on my back now, but I suppose as you get older the bones start to creak.” He then adds with a wry smile, “you make a good bit of ...
Forget epsom salts and wave goodbye to magnesium flakes – seaweed is the latest bath-time addition promising soft skin and soothed muscles. Baths can be divisive: you either love them or hate them.
His firm is among a wave of seaweed farms that have sprung up in Europe and North America, spurred by a growing demand from the food industry and others. "You have a biomass that can be used for ...
Wrapping your cellulite in seaweed may be the skincare treatment you didn’t know you needed. That said, “understanding the nature of cellulite is crucial,” holistic esthetician and Klur ...