作为一个面向对日投资企业提供综合服务的官方组织,JETRO开展了协助外国企业赴日投资的各项活动,协助外国企业在日本建立网点、拓展业务。特别是,重点协助拥有可创造高附加值的新技术和商业模式的企业,以及有助于提高生产效率的企业。此外,我们与 ...
The combination of these two facts is the basis for starting a business that buys and sells secondhand restaurant equipment like grills, fryers and coffee machines. Simply put, when one restaurant ...
JETRO, or the Japan External Trade Organization, is a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. Originally established ...
胡润研究院发布《2018胡润全球富豪榜》,亚马逊创始人54岁的杰夫•贝佐斯以7750亿元成为世界首富,沃伦•巴菲特超越比尔•盖茨,财富上涨31%到 ...
胡润研究院今日发布《2021胡润全球富豪榜》,特斯拉的埃隆·马斯克财富比去年增加近万亿人民币,达到1.28万亿,首次成为世界首富,去年的首富 ...
Jetro Cash and Carry is inspected by the Florida ... “Clean utensils stored between equipment and wall. Observed knifes at preparation area at front counter. Manager took knifes to three ...
The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has announced that they are welcoming 105 Japanese startups to the 2024 cohort of the Global Startup Acceleration Program (GSAP). This program was ...
We usually associate the ‘Peter Principle’ with large corporations where capable people are promoted to their first level of ...
The mission of the Supply Chain Management department is to disseminate knowledge in areas such as procurement and global sourcing, logistics optimization, distribution and pricing strategies, product ...
The term aggregate supply refers to the supply of products that companies produce and plan to sell at a certain price in a given period. Put simply, it refers to the finished goods that consumers ...
That’s why Florida Department of Agriculture inspectors hit Restaurant Depot Jetro Cash & Carry with ... several stops to stock up on food and supplies” and “we firmly believe that Good ...
The restaurant exploits our sentimental nostalgia for the chain restaurants of childhood, along with our suspicion that the future will be worse than the present so we’d better live it up while ...