Great white sharks inspire more terror in people than almost any other creature on Earth! Everyone knows the famous line ...
While the whale shark is certainly a big animal, it is considerably smaller than the blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus, which is the biggest animal in the world. The largest blue whale ever recorded ...
Watch this exciting video as we track the biggest great white sharks swimming in the oceans today. Learn about famous sharks named Deep Blue, Haole Girl, Ironbound, and Breton. Trace the fascinating ...
As one of the largest predators to have ever lived, megalodon captures people's imagination - and for good ... Estimates suggest megalodon actually grew to between 15 and 18 metres in length, three ...
The biggest blue shark ever caught in British waters has been reeled in, smashing a 58-year-old record. John Dines, from Essex, caught the 8.8ft (2.7m) creature, which weighed 256.5lb (113kg), on ...
The greatest force of a shark bite ever recorded measured 132 pounds of force between the jaws of a dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus). Largest egg in the world: An egg case of the whale shark ...
The one seen in the photo below was caught in the Philippines in January ... extinct 2.6 million years ago — but it was the largest shark ever, at up to 30m (98ft) long. This is a picture ...
Scientists hope the body of a pregnant great white shark killed on a drumline will reveal some of the mysteries of the species' reproduction.
Measuring up to a record 18 metres, the whale shark is not only the largest shark, but the largest fish in the world. Steve dives with this gargantuan shark off the coast of Mozambique in Africa.
That's way bigger than the basking shark, the biggest fish in the UK ... The megalodon had the strongest bite force of any animal that ever lived, three times that of a T-Rex.