Brownell, H. , Griffin, R. , Winner, E. , Friedman, O. , & Happé, F. . (2000). Cerebral lateralization and theory of mind. Understanding other minds: Perspectives ...
Left-right asymmetries of structure and function are a common organization principle in the brains of humans and non-human vertebrates alike. While there are inherently asymmetric systems such as the ...
[14] Eliot L, Ahmed A, Khan H, Patel J. Dump the "dimorphism": Comprehensive synthesis of human brain studies reveals few male-female differences beyond size. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2021 ...
See requirements.txt for the full list of packages used in this work. This file provides the exact version that was used, but the code is expected to work with other ...
If You Can See X, You're Left-Brained refers to a type of engagement bait on social media that involves posting a pareidolic ...
Despite a strong convergence of data suggesting both left lateralization and distributed encoding in the anterior and posterior perisylvian language areas, the nature and brain encoding of ...
This makes sense from an ecological perspective: one would not want to simply inhibit anything occurring at a particular location in space. and if so, whether pre-stimulus alpha-band lateralization ...
Level-invariant decoding of sound lateralization also becomes possible in the active state. Our results provide an empirical foundation for the geometry and state-dependence of cortical population ...
Abstract: Invasive techniques are becoming increasingly important in the presurgical evaluation of epilepsy. Adopting the electrophysiological source imaging (ESI) of interictal scalp ...
There was significant regional variation in tuber density but no significant lateralization of frequently bilateral tubers. Nodules were located predominantly in the caudate nucleus and were not ...