The Origins of Happiness: The Science of Well-Being over the Life Course Andrew E. Clark, Sarah Flèche, Richard Layard, Nattavudh Powdthavee, and George Ward A new perspective on life satisfaction and ...
The party’s focus on tuition fees neglects half of young people – and its past success with apprenticeships. British literacy levels are low, but innumeracy is what really holds us back. ByRichard ...
You wouldn’t think it, on listening to Labour advisers and hangers on, but there are ways for the Government to cut its ...
Lord Layard, an economist and Labour peer who co-authored the report, said: “Rational government means spending our money to ...
In St Margaret's Church Westminster is a memorial tablet to archaeologist and politician Sir Henry Austen Layard. The rectangular tablet on the south wall has a moulded marble frame and a decorative ...
Aknin, Lara B., Ashley V. Whillans, Michael I. Norton, and Elizabeth W. Dunn. "Happiness and Prosocial Behavior: An Evaluation of the Evidence." Chap. 4 in World ...
The design of practical, cost-effective policies to improve wellbeing can then follow. Both separately and in collaboration at LSE, professors Richard Layard and Paul Dolan have been at the forefront ...
For every £1 inves­ted in a church build­ing, the return is over £16. This is an extraordin­ary fig­ure (a reas­on­able return is 3 or 4). But church build­ings are places that are doing ...
Aesthetics usually succumbs to economic forces in the end. And against worthy goals such as reducing inequality or net zero, beauty doesn’t stand a chance. Who cares if Sardinia is skewered with ...
The Assyrian relief panel from the palace of Nimrud escaped destruction by Islamic State because it had been stolen in the ...
Scholar Wandile Kasibe documents the tumultuous history of the South African Natural History Museum, as part of this year’s ...
Failing to impose strict controls on what training the incoming growth and skills levy can pay for would turn it into a ...