而黑洞事实上是在恒星爆炸后形成的。那时,它的质量被压缩成一种“超质量”,它不透光,密度很大。由于后者,黑洞吞噬其路径中的一切。例如,如果太阳变成黑洞,它的大小将等于莫斯科的大小,但它可以吸收比木星大一千倍的行星。 由Ulf ...
Global leaders will meet at the U.N. this week for their annual gathering. There, Biden will face pressure to loosen ...
Lives Lived: Cat Glover danced onstage with Prince during his “Sign o’ the Times” tour and her choreography added a frenetic ...
Swing voters may appear erratic, but these three startling personality traits expose why they are the secret power behind ...
【ITBEAR】9月4日消息,在近日盛大开幕的2024年德国汉堡国际海事展览会上,中国船舶集团旗下广船国际携手中船贸易、中船租赁,与德国知名企业Leonhardt&Blumberg公司达成了一项重大合作。双方正式签署了4.95万吨化学品/成品油船的建 ...
In September 2023, David Leonhardt wrote an opinion piece provocatively headlined “Why Does Duke Have So Few Low-Income ...
Recent findings from researchers at the Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and St. Louis and Haverford College found that online ...
On Sept. 14, community members gathered at Spring Lake Cemetery in Aurora to honor the life and legacy of Frederick Vaughan, ...
马丁·鲁特是研究十八和十九世纪古长笛与音乐演奏的顶尖长笛演奏家和研究者之一。他创建了比德迈尔管乐五重奏(Biedermeier Wind Quintet)和美泉宫乐团 (Ensemble Schönbrunn)。除巴赫、库劳和莫扎特的长笛协奏曲外,他还录制了大量室内乐作品。马丁·鲁特与安纳-比尔斯马(Anner Bijlsma)的Archibudelli乐团合作,为SONY录制了巴赫的第五勃兰登堡 ...
A federal appeals court disbarred Rudy Giuliani on Monday over efforts he took to prevent the transfer of power after ...
Fed Chair Jerome Powell noted that policymakers weighed recent downward revisions to employment figures when assessing the ...